Young children often suck on their thumbs. It's perfectly normal. But some parents worry about it.
With childhood obesity on the rise, should parents worry about the weight of their babies?
Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland doesn't make enough thyroid hormone. The condition is more common in adults. But it’s the most common thyroid disorder in children. Not enough thyroid hormone leads to signs, such as slow growth, lack of activity, and poor performance in school.
Graves disease is an autoimmune disease. With this disease, antibodies cause the thyroid gland to make too much thyroid hormone. This is known as hyperthyroidism. Excess thyroid hormone in the bloodstream leads to the body's metabolism being too active. It can cause problems such as weight loss, nervousness, fast heartbeat, tiredness, and other issues. It’s an ongoing (chronic) condition that needs lifelong treatment.
A closer look at the structure of the breast.
Breast development happens in certain stages during a woman's life: first before birth, and again at puberty and later during the childbearing years. Changes also happen to the breasts during menstruation and when a woman reaches menopause.
Teen dating violence is worrisome. But it's not inevitable. Here's how you and your teen can prevent possibly unsafe situations and reduce the risk for problems.
The male reproductive anatomy includes the bladder, epididymis, penis, scrotum, and prostate gland.
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder. A child with bulimia overeats or binges uncontrollably. This overeating may be followed by self-induced throwing up (purging).
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. It is a form of self-starvation. Children and teens with this health problem have a distorted body image. They think they weigh too much.
Major depression goes beyond the day's normal ups and downs. It involves a teen's body, mood, and thoughts. It can affect and disrupt eating, sleeping, or thinking patterns.
Bipolar disorder is a type of depression. A teen with bipolar disorder often has extreme mood swings. These mood swings go beyond the day's normal ups and downs.
On college campuses across the U.S., many students ages 18 to 24 are taking part in a dangerous activity called binge drinking. This means drinking alcohol to the point of getting drunk. Read on to learn more about the risks.
Binge drinkers are most likely found on college campuses, where many students consider a big game or fraternity party an excuse to drink all weekend.
Knowing about marijuana can help you tell if your child or someone else is using it, and help them to get treatment.
Methamphetamine (meth) is a highly addictive drug. It is related to the legal stimulant amphetamine, but has stronger effects.